⛴ Delivery estimated between 20 March, 2025 to 04 April, 2025. Dispatch depends on our Suppliers, and is estimated to be done 18 March, 2025, or sooner. The overall timeframe of transportation can range between 2 to 17 days. Holidays/Observances, Weekends, COVID-19 and other factors may affect these dates. I apologize in advance for any delays. For transparency, please refer to our Shipping Policy: Shipping policy – DunbiBeauty, LLC (dunbibeautyllc.com)
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Picture style: Studio, mannequin
Hair type: Synthetic wigs
Features: Cap included, 248° F heat safe
Hair texture: Wave
Length type: Bobo wigs
Making method: Full-machine wigs
Cap construction: Basic cap
Tips to take care of your hair and knots:
1. Use sulfate-free shampoo.
2. Use a good detangler conditioner, with a proper brush start at the ends, and work your way up. Sectioning helps!
3. Deep conditioner at least 1x month.
4. If natural, twist, braid, or do a ponytail, if relaxed wrap or ponytail, and then use a silk scarf or bonnet to sleep, or a satin pillowcase. Let’s keep moisture on our hair!
5. Treat your scalp, it's accessible so take advantage of it.
6. Do not abuse hot tools and apply heat protectants before using them.
7. Be gentle, even though my knots are tight, remember this is manual work, the gentler you are while brushing and styling the more will they last and you will also prevent breakage.
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